VanessaHudgens Wikia

The frozen ground DVD cover

Hudgens Plays Cindy Paulson In the film, she plays as his only victim who escaped


The film ends with a dedication and actual pictures of Hansen's victims.

based on the real-life 1980s Alaskan hunt for serial killer Robert Hansen. Hansen stalked and murdered between 17 and 21 young women, kidnapping them and taking them out to the Alaskan wilderness where he shot and buried them.


The film opens in an Anchorage motel room in 1983, where 17-year-old Cindy Paulson is handcuffed and screaming for help. She is rescued by an Anchorage Police Department patrol officer. He takes Paulson to the hospital, and her clothes are kept for a rape kit. At an APD station, she explains to detectives that she was abducted and repeatedly raped. Because she is a prostitute and lying about her age, the detectives disbelieve her story, refusing to even look into the man she named as her abductor, Robert Hansen. They claim Hansen is an upstanding member of society and a family man who owns his own restaurant, three people have alibied him, and there are too many conflicting details in Paulson's story to investigate him.