Cindy Paulson is Portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens
In The Film 17 Year Old Cindy Paulson is handcuffed and screaming for help. She Gets rescued By an patrol Officer. He takes Paulson to a hospital and her clothes are kept for a rape Kit. At an APD station, She explains to detectives that she was abducted and repeatedly raped. Because she is a prostitute and lying about her age, the detectives do not believe her story, refusing to even look into the man whom she named as her abductor. Paulson details how Hansen kept her captive, and that she escaped from his car when he tried to transfer her to his bush plane.Paulson slips away and returns to her life of prostitution. Clate picks her up and delivers her to Carl. When Clate attempts to rob Carl, Paulson uses the opportunity to escape, with Carl in pursuit. After making a call to Halcombe, Paulson is almost killed by Carl, but Halcombe rescues her just in time. e epilogue states that Hansen confessed to the murder of 17 women and the kidnap and rape of another 30. He was charged with the abduction and rape of Cindy Paulson